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Command-Line Interface (CLI)

CLI is the command-line interface tool of Primno to manage your project from a terminal. It provides a set of commands to create a new project, run the developer mode, build the project, and more.

The executable name is mn.


To install the CLI, run the following command:

npm install -g @primno/cli



The new command creates a new project.

mn new <name>

The name is the name of the project. It will be used as the name of the folder that will contain the project.

This command creates a new example project, which is explained in detail in getting started.


The start command starts the developer mode.

mn start

This command deploy a special version of Primno that will load the entry point from your local machine. That means that you can edit the code and see the changes immediately after refreshing the page.

The loading of the entry point is done by starting a local web server. The port of the web server is 12357 by default.


If you use the self-signed certificate (enabled by default), you will need to accept it in your browser.


The build command create a JS bundle from the entry point. The file is created in the dist folder.

mn build [options]


--production-pBuild the project in production mode. It will minify the bundle and remove the source map.


The watch command watch for changes in the source code.

Files are built in development mode. That means that the JS bundle is not minified and the source map is generated.

mn watch


The deploy command deploy the entry point of the project to Power Apps as a web resource.

mn deploy [options]


--production-pDeploy the project in production mode. It will minify the bundle and remove the source map.


The help command display the help.

mn help