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How to show/hide a command bar button based on a form state in Dynamics 365

· 4 min read
Xavier Monin

Learn how to hide a button in the command-bar based on a form state such as field value or tab visibility. By customizing the button's visibility, you can provide a more dynamic and tailored user experience in your application.

Let's get started!


Before you begin, make sure you have an existing Primno workspace. If you don't have one, follow the Getting started guide to create your first workspace.

Create a component

The first step is to create a component of type record. Run the following command to generate the component:

mn generate component hide-button

Registering the Enable Rule

To indicate whether the button is enabled or not, we need to subscribe to the onEnableRule event of the command-bar. However, Primno does not automatically register the command-bar events in Dynamics, so we have to do it manually. To learn how to register a command bar event for Primno, refer to the Command Bar Registration documentation.

To register the enable rule in Dynamics, follow these steps:

  1. Use Ribbon Workbench to create a new enable rule on your button.
  2. Add your web resource (format: <editorPrefix>_/js/<projectName>.js) in the enable rule.
  3. Add the function call (format: mn_<projectName>.onEnableRule)
  4. Set the following parameters:
String parameterhideButton

Here, hideButton will be the name of our enable rule.

Component code

In the component code, we will use the @MnOnEnableRule decorator to subscribe to the event "onEnableRule" of the button.

import { MnComponent, MnOnTabChange, MnOnEnableRule, CommandBarEventArg } from '@primno/core';

scope: {
page: "record"
class HideButtonComponent {
private showButton = false; // Hide the button by default

onEnableRule(eventArg: CommandBarEventArg) {
return this.showButton;

To hide or display the button based on specific events (e.g., field change, tab change), you need to subscribe to those events and call refreshRibbon() in the event handler. This will refresh the command-bar and re-evaluate the enable rules.

You don't need to manually register these events in Dynamics. Primno will automatically register them at runtime for you.

Here are a few examples:

Showing the Button on Tab Change

If you want to show the button only when a tab is visible, subscribe to the onTabChange event and update the showButton value accordingly. Don't forget to call refreshRibbon() to refresh the command-bar.

Add the following code in your component.

onTabChange(eventArg: FormEventArg) {
const tab = eventArg.formCtx.ui.tabs.get(tabName);
this.showButton = tab.getDisplayState() === "expanded";

Hiding the Button on Field Change

To hide the button when a specific field has a certain value, subscribe to the onFieldChange event and update the showButton value based on the field's value.

Add the following code in your component.

onFieldChange(eventArg: FormEventArg) {
const fieldNameAttr ="fieldname");
this.showButton = fieldNameAttr.getValue() !== "value";

Reusing the component

To reuse the component in others forms or tables, you need to set a input and a config property in the component.

Example for a component that shows a button only when a tab is visible:

import { MnComponent, MnOnTabChange, MnInput, MnOnEnableRule, CommandBarEventArg, Input, Config } from '@primno/core';

* Describe the input property of the HideButtonComponent.
interface HideButtonOptions {
tabName: string;
enableRuleName: string;

scope: {
page: "record"
class HideButtonComponent implements Input, Config {
* The input property is used to pass data to the component.
input!: HideButtonOptions;

* The config property is used to configure the component.
* Here, it used the input property.
@MnConfig(i => i)
config!: HideButtonOptions;

private showButton = false; // Hide the button by default

@MnOnEnableRule(c => c.enableRuleName)
onEnableRule(eventArg: CommandBarEventArg) {
return this.showButton;

@MnOnTabChange(c => c.tabName)
onTabChange(eventArg: FormEventArg) {
const tab = eventArg.formCtx.ui.tabs.get(this.config.tabName);
this.showButton = tab.getDisplayState() === "expanded";

Example of usage in a parent component:

import { MnComponent, MnSubComponent, SubComponent } from '@primno/core';
import { HideButtonComponent } from './hide-button/hide-button.component';

scope: {
page: "record"
table: "account"
class AccountComponent {
component: HideButtonComponent,
input: {
tabName: "general",
enableRuleName: "hideButton"
public hideButton!: SubComponent<HideButtonComponent>;